I seriously cannot believe in a day and a half it's going to be 2011. Where has the past 10 years gone??
2010 has definitely had it's ups and downs.
I'd rather leave the downs in the past and only focus on the ups. Meeting Rob was definitely a highlight of 2010. The past 9 1/2 months (we met in March) with him have been absolutely incredible. He has been my rock through all of my downs this year. He has stood by me through everything. Through all the times I didn't feel good enough or that I measure up. He was right there. And for that I am so thankful. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him.
Moving to Illinois was the best decision I've ever made in my life. No doubt about it. It was a hard choice to make but I had the help of an ex. Sounds ridiculous I know, but if he wouldn't have broken up with me than I would have stayed in that relationship and continued being miserable. At the time it seemed very unfair and it hurt like hell. But I know that being back with my son and with my family is exactly where I want to be.
At this point in my life, I really thought I would have accomplished more. I thought I would have a great job and have some sort of degree. And maybe be married. But things don't always go as we plan, that's for sure. But I do know that I am surrounded by people who love and care deeply for me. I know that I am the one who chooses my destiny. I am in charge of my own life and no one else is. I know 2011 is going to be an amazing year. I know good things are yet to come and I am so excited to start out this new year with Rob by my side.
My list of New Year resolutions is a long one. But I am willing to share a few of them with you.
1. Live a more simple life. Someone asked me if that meant becoming Amish. My answer to that is NO. :) Although I give them many props for the way they live their lives not focusing on material things and such. But what I mean is that I want to cherish every moment of every day. Even the bad. I want to take time to enjoy the little things that right now I take for granted. And not put so much focus on what everyone else thinks of me.
2. Accomplish something. Maybe that means getting a job. Going to school. Or making money off of my one true passion, Photography. Maybe it's all of those things. But all I know is I'm not going to be afraid anymore of failing. I'm ready to take those chances.
3. Love deeply. To not be afraid of getting hurt. And to not allow the past to control my future. To not let the negative that has happened to me in the past keep me from loving deeply.
With that being said, cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right!